Scavenger Hunt Stop #21
BETH MILINSKI IS THE WINNER OF THE AMANA COOKBOOK! Beth, I’ve sent you an email to have you send me your mailing address. Thanks to all of you who participated. Blessings, Judy
A giant WELCOME to the fun and exciting Fall Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt that begins at NOON MDT, OCTOBER 25 and ends at MIDNIGHT MDT on OCTOBER 28!!
You’ve likely already learned you’ll be making 31 stops along the way and you’ll have the opportunity to discover authors with new or soon-to-be-released novels. Collect the clues in red on each post, beginning from Stop #1 (link to At Stop #32, fill out the Rafflecopter form. Be prepared to provide the completed clue quote you have gathered from all 31 stops within 24 hours of email notification or another winner will be randomly drawn. No need to email/submit it, unless you are notified on 10/29/12.
Grand Prize: A new Kindle Fire, plus 31 new novels!
2nd and 3rd Prizes: $50 Amazon, B&N, CBD or gift certificate.
(Contest is open to international entrants. If the winner lives outside the United States, they shall win the equivalent in gift certificate funds to the prize in US dollars.)
As my part in the hunt, I’m pleased to introduce Susan Sleeman who currently calls Florida home, but has lived in nine states—so far. I’m thinking Susan has a bit of vagabond in her, or maybe it’s her desire to find unique fodder for her creative romantic suspense and mystery novels that has kept her on the move. Maybe you should ask her!
Susan’s latest release in The Justice Agency series is titled Dead Wrong. Here’s what it’s about:
When her client and old college friend is murdered, P.I. Kat Justice knows the killer will come for her next. Her survival depends on finding her unknown enemy first…and working with homicide detective Mitch Elliot, her onetime crush. It’ll take all her professional skills to ignore the sparks between them, but Kat can’t allow the handsome cop to get close. She’s seen too many people she loves die, so she vows just to do her job without getting emotionally involved. Yet keeping her distance may not be the best way to protect her heart—or their lives.
With Dead Wrong, book 2 in my new five book Justice Agency series releasing soon, I thought I’d share how we chose the covers for the series.
Love Inspired Suspense, the publisher for this series, asked me for three suggested scenes for each book. Two landscape scenes and one scene including people. I provided them with a description of my characters, a mood or atmosphere for the cover, and details about the time of year, the weather, etc. for the time period in which the book takes place.
They also asked for pictures that resemble the landscape scenes floating around in my head. Imagine that, they can’t read my mind. The Justice Agency series is set in the fabulous state of Oregon–most of the books in thePortlandmetro area–I wanted to find something that reflected not only the book, but the city as well and would tie all the books together.
Difficult, you think? It really wasn’t that hard. If you’ve ever been to Portlandyou know two rivers run through the center of the city so there are many bridges. If you don’t count the railroad only bridge, there are 12 bridges in Portland, and I thought it would be fitting to feature a bridge on the cover of each book. So far, for Double Exposure and Dead Wrong, the art department has agreed with me and given be fabulous bridge shots. Here’s hoping my editor is successful in pitching a bridge for the remaining books. I’m looking forward to seeing the cover for No Way Out, releasing next May.
Below are the pictures I submitted to the publisher for the first few books and the actual cover beside it. You can see that they have really taken my input and made the cover so much better than I could imagine.
Double Exposure
This scene is of the Tom McCall Waterfront Park in downtown Portland.
Dead Wrong
This scene is looking at theSt. John’s Bridge in Portland.
You can pick up a copy of Susan’s books at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Christian and you can learn more about Susan at, Books, or
Before you go, write down this STOP #21 clue: began by
Your next stop is Susan Sleeman’s own blog.
As an added bonus, if you’d like to win a cookbook of Amana Colony Recipes, either (1) “like” me on my new Facebook page (I’m trying to switch away from my original page) or (2) sign up for my newsletter where I send only occasional news—no spam, or (3) follow me on Twitter. Comment below to let me know what you’ve done (you must comment to be eligible). If you’ve already “liked” me, have already signed up for the newsletter and already follow me on Twitter, then just comment below and let me know. You’ll still be in the drawing. Thanks for playing along!
Go to my website and enter the contest being hosted by the three authors of A Patchwork Christmas. Follow the simple instructions to enter for an opportunity to win one of the following: (1) A pair of mittens made from the pattern mentioned in “Seams Like Love” or (2) a doll quilt like the one Molly makes in “A Patchwork Love” or (3) a crazy quilt ornament made in the style of the quilt in “The Bridal Quilt.”
I would love to win the cookbook of Amana Colony Recipes I do love to cook!
Wow, it would be so cool to win the additional bonus giveaway!
I liked your new Facebook page, and I’d love to win the cookbook! I get hungry just reading your Amana books when the characters are cooking. And then your blog posts always show such mouthwatering food from your visits! I want to try their recipes for myself.
I have never read a suspense book, but I would definitely be interested in reading one by a Christian author.
I love your books! I’m excited about your new series!
Oh and I liked your new Facebook page and signed up for your newsletter!
I’ve “liked” your Facebook page and am a participant in the Fall Christian Fiction SCavenger Hunt! :^)
I like you on FB and twitter and am signed up for your newsletter. Thanks for the hunt!
I liked and followed! Thanks for the chance@
I liked you on facebook!
I signed up for your newsletter. Thank you for being a part of this contest!
This has been so much fun!
I liked your page!
I liked you on Facebook, signed up for the newsletter, and followed you on Twitter. Thanks!!!
I did the three things you requested!! Would love to read your books!
I just liked your facebook page and I think your blog looks great! Blessings!
I liked you on Facebook and signed up for your newsletter~ Thanks for all the great reading.
I liked you on Facebook and signed up for your newsletter. Thanks for all the great reading.
I signed up for your newsletter.
I’ve follow you by Facebook, Twitter, and Newsletter.
Thank you!
campbellamyd at gmail dot com
Cool! I love cookbooks, although with my schedule I seem to be more of a cookbook collector than a cook *wry grin*
I’ve followed you on fb, twitter and signed up for your newsletter, can’t wait to hear more from you!
I have never read any of your books, but I am glad you joined in the scavenger hunt so I could learn more about the books you write.
I love your books Judith! I follow you on Facebook and subscribed to your newsletter. Thanks!
“Liked” on Facebook, “Following” on Twitter, and signed up for your email newsletter! LOVE this scavenger hunt! Looking forward to reading all these great new authors and books!
I liked your facebook page.
I follow you on your new facebook page, and twitter. I subscribed to your newsletter. I really enjoy your books!!
jmschwindt0306 at gmail dot com
I liked you on facebook and signed for the newsletter.
Thanks for being part of the blog-hop/scavenger hunt!
Great scavenger hunt!
I liked you on Facebook and look forward to your newsletter.
I liked you on facebook. I enjoy reading cookbooks, finding it very relaxing along with trying new recipes.
Thanks so much for this scavenger hunt!
I cannot wait to read the next Amana Colonies book. I have signed up for your newsletter and liked you on Facebook. I don’t have a Twitter account, so I can’t tweet for you, but I do wish to enter your give-away. The book that really got me started reading Judith Miller is the Carousel Painter. Such a beautiful book!
This scavenger hunt is a great way to get to know new-to-me authors and books! Would love a copy of the cookbook – what fun!
Oh! And I liked you on FB and signed up for your newsletter!
I liked your facebook page and love your books!
HI! I “liked” your new Facebook page and signed up for your newsletter. My daughter and I have enjoyed reading many of your books!
Wow, so much information I’m picking up on this hunt! Thanks!
I have chosen to follow you on Twitter. My mother-in-law, also named Judith, and I have enjoyed your books. My favorites are the Post Cards from Pullman series. I found the idea of a company run town fascinating, especially since I live in an a city that originated partly due to a major company began here.
I liked you on FB and I subscribed to your newsletter. I would love to win !
Love your books!
I liked your new fb page and I subscribed to your newsletter!! I love your books and love the look of your blog. So peaceful and warming!!! Blessed weekend, thanks for participating! This has been a blast!
Hello! I liked your facebook page!! I haven’t your books yet, but after this (the scavenger hunt) am definetly going too!!!
I’ve signed up for your newsletter.
I “liked” you on FaceBook. Thanks for participating in this fun scavenger hunt. And I really enjoyed seeing the photo inspirations turned into covers!
Hi. I liked your Facebook page. Looking forward to getting to know you. Thanks.
I liked your new Facebook page
I signed up for your newsletter…also, “like” on FB
I just liked your new fb page.
I must say that I love your website/blog. It’s so peaceful looking and inviting.
Thanks for hosting this part of the scavenger hunt!
LIKED you on FB and signed up for the newsletter both
Love the pictures and covers played side-by-side to show the inspiration behind the setting. Thanks for sharing!
I liked your Facebook page & signed up for your newsletter.
Looking forward to reading some of your books.
I would love to win the Amana cookbook….we love the Amana Colonies and stayed a few days there last summer! Can’t wait to start reading your books about the Colonies! I signed up for your newsletter and liked you FB page!
Wow! Haven’t had the chance to read these books.
Looks great!
I haven’t liked anything or done anything to enter the contest, but I wanted to let you know that I’ve read several of your books and liked them all
I would love to win the cookbook Amana Colony Recipes! I “liked” your new fb page and I subscribed to your newsletter.
Having so much fun! Thank you!
I liked your facebook page! I love your books especially when you write with Tracie Peterson!
I liked you on facebook.
I follow you on Twitter.
I definitely need to read more of your books!
Hi Judy, LOVE your books!! I liked your new facebook page and signed up for your newsletter. Thank you!
Just joined your newsletter and your facebook page. I love to cook so i would love to have the cookbook.
Wow! All these giveaways! I liked you on facebook, following you on twitter and I signed up for your newsletter. Thank you for the chance to win!
I signed up for your newsletter and blog, and liked you on FB. Thank you for being a part of the scavenger hunt. I most definitely will be looking for your books.
Following you on FB and Twitter!! And I love everything I’ve read of yours so far!
What an awesome giveaway! I liked your page on Facebook, followed on Twitter, and signed up for the newsletter. Thank you!
Hello! I am so excited by all of this….I have read several of your books…would love to win one. I liked you on Facebook, followed you on Twitter & signed up for your newsletter…thank you!
liked your facebook page, signed up for your newsletter, get your blogs via email and follow you on twitter. Guessin’ i like you and your novels, Judith
would love an amana colonies cook book! I like you on facebook, twitter, and signed up for your newsletter! Thanks!!!
I liked your facebook page. I’m a sucker for recipe books, so I just HAD to enter!
I liked you on facebook!
I liked you on facebook and am following you on Twitter
Thanks for participating in the Scavenger Hunt.
I did all 3, thanks for the fun hunt!
I love reading your books. I liked you on facebook and signed up for your newsletter. Love going through this scavenger hunt.
I’ve liked you on FB and signed up for your updates, now I can sit back and look forward to reading your books!
Looks like a great book. Liked you on Facebook and signed up for your newsletter.
I have liked your FB page and signed up for your newsletter. Alas, I do not tweet.
subscribed to newsletter
thank you♥
Love your books! Glad you’re a part of the scavenger hunt. I liked your Facebook page and signed up for your newsletter.
Thank you for the clue!
I “like” your fb page and have signed up for your newsletter.
(This scavenger hunt is FUN)
I liked you on FB!
I visited Amana Colonies last summer with some friends and would love to have a cookbook from there. I liked your facebook page.
I liked you on Facebook. : )
I am totally enjoying you ladies that are particpating in this scavenger hunt. I am now following you on facebook, twitter and subbed your newsletter.
I “liked” you on Facebook and am following you on Twitter.
Love your books. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I liked your new FB page and signed up at your blog. Thank you for the opportunity.
I liked your facebook page
I love your books. I also enjoyed the book of Susan’s I read!
I have liked you Facebook page, am following you on Twitter and signed up for your newsletter.
Thank you for this opportunity!
I’m enjoying the scavenger hunt and learning about new authors. Your books sound great and I would love to win a cookbook. Two of my favorite things are reading and cooking! A win-win sitation for me!
Growing up in Iowa, I’ve known about the difference in Amana/Amish – but always like hearing the explanation. I look forward to reading some of your books in the future.
I “liked” your new Facebook page
Thanks for adding to this very fun scavenger hunt !
Just liked you on Facebook (my initials are KS). Love learning about new to me authors!
Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of the cookbook, and for the information on the Amana Colonies. I had always wondered what they were like.
I liked you on Facebook and followed you on Twitter. See you there!
Just signed up for your newsletter, and am so excited to start reading all of the fantastic authors featured so far!! Thank you for participating in this hunt!!
I liked you on facebook and signed up for your newsletter!
I liked you on your new facebook page. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
Enjoy your books and would love to win the Amana Colonies Cookbook. Thanks.
I liked your new FB page
Would love to win this! I liked your new FB page.
Thanks for joining the hunt!
I’d like to win a cookbook of Amana Colony Recipes!
I liked your FB page (C.E. Hart)
and followed your twitter (@CEHartAuthor)
Fun scavenger hunt!
Thanks for the opportunity to win super prizes!
Yeah a cookbook! Thank you for participating. This has been a lot of fun. I liked your facebook page and signed up for the newsletter. Thanks again.
I liked your Facebook page and signed up for your newsletter!!
This is such a fun scavenger hunt!
Thanks for being part of the scavenger hunt.
I have only been able to read one of your books, totally enjoyed it too. I liked your FB page. Would love to have the cookbook. We have been thre once and really enjoyed it.
Facebook, Newsletter, Twitter ~ I have liked you previously on Facebook, previously signed up for your Newsletter, and currently just signed as a follower on Twitter to you. Happy posting! Would love an Amana Colonies Cookbook!!! Also, some time back I signed up for A Patchwork Christmas contest. Cannot sign up more than once for that contest, right? Thanks for the fun! Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House
I liked your FB page–please enter me into your bonus drawing. Thanks for participating in the hunt!
I also subscribed to your newsletter!
Would love to win! Also signed up for your newsletter!
I signed up for your newsletter.
This hunt is fun and I am meeting lots of new authors.
Hi! I have follwed you on twitter, signed up for your newletter and followed you on facebook. I am interested in reading more about the Amana culture.
I just liked you on facebook. Happy to know of you as another Christian fiction author that I can get to know!
I signed up for your newsletter.
Have previously signed up for your newsletter Judy. Thank you for explaining the difference between the two groups. Both are very interesting! If I have a chance to win the cook book?..Great..if not C’est la vie.
Very much enjoying this contest.:)
I liked your facebook page. I love to cook and thank you for a chance to win your cookbook!
Loved the info about covers and “meeting” Susan, AND the fascinating info you shared about the Amana colony folks and their differences with the Amish.
I signed up for your newsletter & liked FB page. (I’m not on Twitter…yet?)
Thanks for the opportunity to win the cookbook–and participating in the Hunt!
I had never heard of the Amana religion, to be honest with you. And as you mentioned in your post on the last stop of the Hunt, I would’ve thought it similar to Amish probably! LOL! Thank you for introducing it to me, will probably look into it more now
I liked your Facebook page and signed up for your newsletter!
I would love to win the cookbook
Wow, that’s so interesting how the book covers were chosen!
Thanks for the giveaway! I liked your facebook page!
I love your books
. I’ve liked you in Facebook and I’m following you on twitter.
A cookbook?! Sounds great! I did all three things like you requested
Liked your new page and on your newsletter!
I enjoy your Amish stories very much. Thanks for participating in this scavenger hunt. I appreciate you.
Hi Judith, I had the pleasure of meeting you recently in the Amana Colonies during October Fest and was lucky enough to have you sign two of your books that I purchased for my daughter. (I finished reading “Somewhere to Belong” before giving it to her and enjoyed it so much!) I have liked your Facebook page and signed up for your newsletter and would love to receive the Amana cookbook!
Hi Donna,
So glad you enjoyed Somewhere to Belong. I always have such a good time when I’m in the Colonies. Glad I had the pleasure of meeting you!
Thanks for participating in the Scavenger Hunt, this is so much fun!
I liked you on FB and signed up for your newsletter! Thanks for your “chat” the other day.
Thanks! I enjoyed the book banter very much! Blessings, Judy
Thanks for the info on the differences between Amish and Amana. It was very interesting! I liked you on FB and subscribed to your newsletter. Thanks for participating!
Hey Miss Judy!
So glad you’re one of the Scavenger Hunt Authors—Wow! What a great idea for you all to do this (and it’s fun for all the “hunters” too). ~ Enjoyed reading about Susan Sleeman and her books too! ~ Sending a hug, Patti Jo
Hi Patti Jo–Glad you’re making the rounds! Hugs back atcha!
This is my 1st “hunt”. And enjoying meeting all (to me) new authors. Thank you for so much fun!
I grew up in south eastern Iowa not far from the Amana colonies and never knew any of that. I would love to have one of their cookbooks!
I also liked your facebook page and signed up for your newsletter.
I signed up for your newsletter. Yay!!
So glad you are participating in the scavenger hunt. I enjoy your books!
I have liked your new FB page! I can’t wait to read your newest book!
crazi.swans @ gmail dot com
I just followed you on Twitter! Thanks for participating in the scavenger hunt!
Judith thanks for sharing info today on Susan and her books, I dont need another cookbook but did want to say Hi and let you know enjoyed the banter on Bethany and getting to know you little better, now will go on the “Hunt” today -this is so fun , meeting new authors.
would love to win for my wife. Liked your facebook page
So many wonderful books added to my reading list.
I would like to win the cookbook. I have liked your facebook page and signed up for your newsletter.
Laura Wilson
Not entering for the cookbook but just stopping in to say hello and thanks for being part of the Scavenger Hunt. I enjoyed your Broadmoor and Lowell series.
Hi Barbara, Glad to hear you enjoyed the Broadmoor and Lowell series. If you get a chance, hope you’ll try the new co-authored Bridal Veil series, too. Thanks for entering the scavenger hunt. Blessings, Judy
I love to cook and would love to get my hands on this book! I liked you on FB and signed up for your newsletter. sorry but I don’t do Twitter.
Judith you are one of the new authors I have met during this scavenger hunt. I liked you on facebook! Laura Wisniewski
Hi Laura–So glad the scavenger hunt is helping you discover new authors! That is our hope–that each of you will find other authors you enjoy reading! Good luck as you continue on your way! Blessings, Judy
Great post! Your book covers turned out wonderful.
I’ve previously “liked” your Facebook page and signed up for your newsletter. Thanks for the chance to win the Amana cookbook.
I have liked you on FB, follow you on Twitter and really look forward to reading about the Amana colonies. Recipes are always welcome in our home
i signed up for your newsletter. Look forward to reading. Would love to win
I signed up for your newsletter. My husband and I took our honeymoon to the Amana Colonies 27 years ago. We still have a blanklet, a bread basket, a clock and a wonderful marriage from our mini-getaway. It would be incredible to win the cookbook. Thank you for sharing your talent.
Thanks so much for being a part of this scavenger hunt! I am eagerly waiting book three of the Bridal Veil Island Series, which is the most recent books I have read by you. Now to add more of your books to my “to be read” list! I follow you on twitter (Rachelle_W22), like you on Facebook, and signed up for your newsletter.
Thanks Again.
I love the book covers! I already “like” you on facebook and get your newsletter. I just started following you on Twitter. Love Kansas authors!!
I’ve just liked your FB page. Thanks for the interesting info on the Amana community. It would be great to win the cookbook!
I signed up for your newsletter and “liked” you on Facebook. Thanks for the contrasting info on the Amish and Amana communities.
I’m always up for a good cookbook! Thanks for being part of the Scavenger Hunt!
Always glad to have new recipes. I “liked” you on Facebook, but I do not twitter.
I have liked you on Facebook. Tweeted and signed up for your newsletter! Thanks for the giveaway.
I subscribed to your newsletter
I have signed up for your newsletter and liked your FB page. Thanks for the chance!! I am having so much fun!
I liked you on fb. I really enjoyed reading your interview describing the difference between Amish and Amana. I would definitely love the chance to win the cookbook!
Hi, Judith! I signed up for your newsletter. Thanks for the chance to win the cookbook.
I signed up for your newsletter in order to be entered in the contest!
Thank you for hosting the giveaway.
I “liked” your Facebook page.
Love your newest book To Love & To Cherish.
I would love to read your new book!
Like you on Facebook.. very excited to read your books too.
Suspense from a godly view! Yaya!
Signed up for your newsletter. Thanks for participating in this scavenger hunt!
I signed up for the newsletter. Thanks for participating in the Scavenger Hunt.
Very interesting to hear about the Amana – a new term for me, interested to read more. I liked you on Facebook & signed up for the newsletter. Thanks!
I liked your new facebook page and signed up for your newsletter. Love learning about the Amana Colonies.
Thank you for this opportunity. May God bless your writing. I am now your friend on Facebook, and I have signed up for your news letter. I don’t do Twitter, I hope that doesn’t matter.
I would love to have the recipes. I joined your newsletter. Don’t do FB. I have read to Have and to Hold. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed reading the difference between the Amana and the Amish on the previous site for the hunt. Thanks for doing this.
God Bless,
Kim in NC
I liked your facebook page. Would love to win a copy of the cookbook. I didn’t know anything about the Amana before reading your post.
I liked your facebook page, signed up for your newsletter as well as followed you on twitter. Now I plan on going to your website & singing up for that contest as well… Thank you
God bless
thanks for the chance to win the recipe book- this scavenger hunt is fun!
Signed up for the newsletter!
I joined your newsletter and liked your facebook page
I signed up for the newsletter. Thanks for the giveaway.
I signed up for your newsletter – liked your new Facebook page – and am following you on Twitter – sign me up – love your books!
I will head to your site. Love the blog. Will be back to read more!!
You certainly have caught my eye. I do love a good book, and a good mystery which ends with the needed justice. Definitely bookmarking your site.
I would love to win the cookbook, but already feel like a winner having discovered another great author of one of my genres for reading.
I have liked you on Facebook, signed up for the newsletter and am following you on Twitter. Please enter me for this bonus book.
Thank you.
God bless.
Thanks for participating in this hunt. I’ve really enjoyed learning about all these authors and subjects.
Just started following you on Twitter. Thanks for the giveaways!
Thanks for a great scavenger hunt.
Super exclusive material from Susan.
Ruth Ann Dell
I have signed up for the newsletter to be entered in the drawing. Thank you!
I already liked your facebook page and I signed up for your newsletter.
Have enjoyed many of your books~ “liked” you on Facebook. Thank you!
I liked you on fb! I would love to win the book
I liked your facebook page – I would LOVE the recipes!
very intersted in the cookbook and books. I liked all the pages and entered the other contest. thanks tjw1996(at)hotmail(dot)come
Thanks for being part of this fun hunt!
Please enter me in this contest; I have liked your new facebook page (and commented). So far I am loving the scavenger hunt and finally started making a list of all the participating authors so I can do further searching on everyone’s webpages later. God bless you!
Following on twitter and liked on facebook
I’ve liked you on Facebook and signed up for the newsletter. I love this scavenger hunt because I love discovering new authors to read!
I liked you on facebook and signed up for your newsletter!
I signed up on your new FB page. Excited to learn of you and to read your books. Now that winter is coming, i will have more time to read. This is great way to be introduced to new authors!
Would love to win the cookbook. I signed up for your newsletter.
God Bless You!
I liked your new facebook page. And am looking forward to reading your wonderful stories – so glad to “meet you”!
I signed up for your newsletter.
I love cookbooks as much as I do fiction! I liked, signed, followed, and commented. Now I’m looking forward to winning!
I normally don’t read suspense, but would love to check out your books.
I liked your facebook fan page.
Thank you for the contest! I’m really looking forward to your Christmas book! I signed up for your newsletter, followed you on Twitter and I signed up for the Christmas contest a couple of days ago.